Revenue Reports

This section provides financial reporting and the comparative financial performance of your API products.

Please note that although Revenium supports charging for products in multiple currencies, for simplicity in reporting, all revenue is converted & reported in the currency defined for your organization (USD is the default). This can be changed in the Organization section of the menu.

Access to Revenue Reports: Overview

  1. Click on ‘Revenue Reports’ (Figure 1).

  2. From the Revenue Reports sub-menu, there are four available reports.

    • Overview

    • Last Four Quarters

    • Last Four Months

    • Last Four Weeks

  3. Select Overview from the Revenue Reports sub-menu (Figure 2).

Date Selection Menu

  1. The date range for the reports can be changed using the “Date Range Selector” and its different modes (Figure 3).

  2. Select a start and end date from the date selectors. This range can be modified by adding or subtracting a month or week using the arrows on each side.

Total Revenue For Organization

  1. The chart represents the total revenue of the current organization over the chosen time period (Figure 4).

  2. The chart will show more detailed information when the date range is shorter & a more broad report for longer date ranges

Revenue by Product

  1. This section details the total revenue for each Product within the current organization over the chosen time period (Figure 5).

  2. The chart shows a visualizes this information in the form of a bar chart sorted to show the Product which generated the most revenue first.

  3. The table below allows the information to be viewed in a table format, as well as allowing it to be sorted by Product name or Revenue.

Revenue by Consumer

  1. This section details the total revenue for each consuming organization over the chosen time period (Figure 6).

  2. The chart shows a visualizes this information in the form of a bar chart sorted to show the Organization which generated the most revenue first.

  3. The table below allows the information to be viewed in a table format, as well as allowing it to be sorted by Consumer name or Revenue.

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