Product Adoption

The API Product Adoption report is a valuable tool for assessing the usage and adoption of your API products.

The API Product Adoption report provides insights into the percentage of application credentials granted that have been actively used for each API product. It's a crucial tool to evaluate the effectiveness of your API product documentation and developer onboarding.

Understanding the Report

Once you've accessed the report, you'll find various data points and metrics related to API product adoption. Here's an overview of what you'll see:

  • Summary: This report allows you to view the percentage of application credentials granted that have been actively used for each API product.

  • Details: The Adoption Rate report evaluates all applications created within the selected date range and calculates the adoption percentage. It counts the number of applications that have been used versus those that have not.

  • Data Points: Each data point on the graph indicates what percentage of all applications for a given product were in use during that period.

Understanding the business impact of this report is essential. Large numbers of granted credentials that have not been used indicate potential issues with your documentation and developer onboarding. This report enables you to assess the effectiveness of your API Product documentation for improved product adoption and developer onboarding.

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