Application Dashboard

Access to the Dashboard

  1. Click on the ‘Dashboard' link in the navigation menu (Figure 1).

  2. After clicking on the Dashboard Link, the Dashboard appears (Figure 2).

Date Selection Menu

  1. The date range for the reports can be changed using the “Date Range Selector” and its different modes (Figure 3).

  2. Select a start and end date from the date selectors. This range can be modified by adding or subtracting a month or week using the arrows on each side.

Current Months Metrics Section

  1. The Dashboard has certain metric(s)/KPI(s) distributed in cards at the top of the screen.

  2. These cards each represent a metric for the current month.

  3. The first card shows Total Organizational Revenue for this month vs last month.

  4. The second card shows the Produce SLA Violations for this month.

  5. The third card shows the Violation Rebates amount for this month.

Product Requests

  1. To visualize Product Requests data in a grid, identify the Product Requests grid in the Product Requests section (Figure 2).

  2. To sort the Products by a column, move the mouse over a preferred column header (Figure 5).

  3. After moving the mouse over the preferred column header, an arrow appears next to the column name (Figure 5).

  4. There are two directions: ascendant and descendant. The direction value switches between them. If the arrow goes up, the direction is ascendant, else, the direction is descendant.

  5. Click on the arrow to change the sort direction, the items will be ordered by the column name and the selected direction.

  6. To visualize how the total Product requests are divided into each Product, identify Product Requests donut chart in the Product Requests section (Figure 6).

  7. Each segment of the pie is a Product.

  8. To see a Product's details, move the mouse over a segment. This action will display a tooltip, there you can see the Products name and the number of requests. (Figure 6).

  9. To visualize requests number by Product, identify Product Requests bar chart in the Product Requests section (Figure 7).

  10. To see a Products details, move the mouse over a point. This action will display a tooltip, there you can see the Product and the requests number (Figure 7).

  11. To export the charts, click on the export button (Figure 7).

  12. After clicking on the export button, the export options appears (Figure 14).

Product Consumers

  1. To visualize Product Consumer data in a grid, identify the Product Consumers grid in the Product Consumers section (Figure 2).

  2. To sort the Products by a column, move the mouse over a preferred column header (Figure 8).

  3. After moving the mouse over the preferred column header, an arrow appears next to the column name (Figure 8).

  4. There are two directions: ascendant and descendant. The direction value switches between them. If the arrow goes up, the direction is ascendant, else, the direction is descendant.

  5. Click on the arrow to change the sort direction, the items will be ordered by the column name and the selected direction.

  6. To visualize how the total Product Consumers are divided into each Product, identify the Product Consumers Donut chart in the Product Consumers section (Figure 9).

  7. Each segment of the chart represents a Product.

  8. To see a Products details, move the mouse over a segment. This action will display a tooltip, there you can see the Products name and the number of consumers. (Figure 9).

  9. To visualize a Products requests and consumers, identify the Product Consumers bar chart in the Product Consumers section. (Figure 10).

  10. To see an Products details, move the mouse over a point. This action will display a tooltip, there you can see the consumers and the requests number (Figure 10).

  11. To export the charts, click on the export button (Figure 10)

  12. After clicking on the export button, the export options appears (Figure 14).

Organization Revenue Section

  1. To visualize Organization Revenue, identify & expand the Organization Revenue section (Figure 2).

  2. To visualize the revenue trends through months, identify the Monthly revenue chart in the Organization Revenue section (Figure 11).

  3. To see the months details, move the mouse over a point. This action will display a tooltip, there you can see the month and the Revenue. (Figure 12).

  4. To export the chart, click on the export button (Figure 12).

  5. After clicking on the export button, export options appear (Figure 14).

  6. To visualize the Revenue trend through quarters, identify the Quarterly Revenue chart in the Organization Revenue section (Figure 11).

  7. To see the quarters details, move the mouse over a point. This action will display a tooltip, there you can see the quarter and the Revenue. (Figure 13).

  8. To export the chart, click on the export button (Figure 13).

  9. After clicking on the export button, export options appear (Figure 14).

Change Organization

  1. Throughout the Revenium platform, the data shown depends on the current organization selected in the upper right heading of each page.

  2. To change the current organization, click on the two arrows icon in the top right of the navigation bar.

  3. After expanding this menu, the Organizations menu appears (Figure 15).

  4. Click on any of the available organizations in the list to select it and the data will be updated.

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