Product Licenses

Product Licenses are issued to each of your customers to allow them to access your products (and their associated assets). This allows Revenium to track usage by each customer individually.

Access to Product Licenses

  1. Click on 'Product Licenses' from the Manage sub-menu in the navigation menu (Figure 1).

Create a new Product License

  1. Click on the Product Licenses create button located at the upper right corner (Figure 3).

  2. After clicking on the create button, the Product License form appears (Figure 4a, Figure 4b).

    • Description: used to name the product license to make it easier for you to identify its purpose.

    • Consuming Organization: indicates the organization owning the product license. Assigning this properly will allow you to report usage and revenue by customer organization.

    • Client Owner: Select a user to whom the Product License is assigned. If the desired user is not found, enter the email address and the user will automatically be created for the entered email.

    • Named Consumers: If the product associated with this product license has the audience option of “Named Consumers” selected, then only the users listed here will be able to see and request access to this product in a linked commerce portal. This field will have no effect if the “Named Consumers” option is not selected for the product audience.

    • Named Organizations: If the product associated with this product license has the audience option of “Named Organizations” selected, then only users of the organization in Revenium, or users with an email domain matching the domains on the selected organizations will be able to see and request access to this product in a linked commerce portal. This field will have no effect if the “Named Organizations” option is not selected for the product audience. (see expanded explanation of the Audience functionality here)

    • Products: This field indicates the products the product license is associated with.

    • Applications: This will allow previously created applications to access these assets automatically by referencing their third party clientID without having to add this Product License to the API request.

    • All fields on the 'Options' step are optional (Figure 4b).

    • Notification Addresses on Creation: This notification address will be used to provide the new Product License to the end user who owns this Product License, and they will use it to access the associated products. If you are using Revenium Applications to provide API consumers access to products, the end user does not need to use this Product License, and you should not populate this notification field.

    • Notification Addresses on Quota Threshold: This notification address will be used to notify the end user of this Product License that they have reached x% of their quota. This differs from the notification address configured at the product level, which is used to notify the API provider organization that their API consumer has reached x% of their quota.

      • For products using volume-based pricing, a notification will be sent when this percentage is reached for each tier in the plan. For example, if a volume-based plan had a 50% notification threshold set, and included tiers with prices that changed at volumes of 200, 500, and 1000 transactions, a notification would be sent at 100 calls, 250 calls, and 500 calls (50% of each volume tier limit).

      • Note that if the chosen Product for the new Product License has a Quota value set, this will become the default for the license. The threshold can be assigned using the 'Quota Notification Threshold' field.

    • Product License: An external Product License can be added to Revenium by entering it in the 'Product License' field (Figure 4b). Only a valid GUID will be accepted for this option.

    • Expiration Date & Time: This field can be used to establish non-renewing Product Licenses. The expiration date will cause the Product License to deactivated as of the date & time you select for this field.

    • External Quote ID: this field is used to map Product Licenses to external procurement or product management systems for reporting purposes. Example: if you wish to tie a Revenium Product License to a specific customer contract and managed in another system, you can use this field to create that connection.

  3. Fill in the the details for the new Product License and click on Save to create it.

  4. After clicking on the Save button, the changes will be saved.

  5. The new record will be shown in the table and the Product License is displayed in the ‘Key’ column.

View a Product License

  1. Click on the Product Licenses view button located in each row of the Product License grid (Figure 5).

  2. After clicking on the Products view button, a screen appears listing the details of the chosen Product License (Figure 6a).

  3. Clicking on any of the Pricing Rules or Products listed will navigate to the relevant screen and display the chosen item.

    • Selecting the Line Items tab will list any Line Items associated with the chosen Product License (Figure 6b)

Edit / Delete a Product License

  1. Clicking on the pencil or trash can icons located in each row of the SLA Definitions will allow you to edit or delete existing product licenses respectively.

  2. After clicking on the Product Licenses delete button, you must choose between two types of delete operations as explained in the image immediately below.

  3. Choose the correct option for your scenario which will complete the immediate or scheduled deletion of the product license.

Reset Product License Quota

Normally Product License quotas are only reset at the end of a settlement period for products with a recurring subscription. However, if you need to manually reset a quota for a customer, you can do so by clicking on the curved arrow icon next to the associated quota.

  1. After clicking on the reset arrow, a confirmation message appears (Figure 8).

  2. Click on "Yes, I'm sure" & the quota consumed figure will be reset to 0.

  3. This functionality is only available to Tenant Admin & Organization Admin users or the owner of the specific Product License.

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