Notification Providers

This section allows you to configure an external notification provider to receive alerts from the Revenium platform via other messaging providers.

Accessing the Notification Provider Configuration

Access "notification providers" under "External Integrations" as shown in Figure 1 to create a new notification provider configuration.

Creating a New Notification Configuration (Slack)

  1. Click the green plus sign shown in Figure 1 to create a new notification provider.

  2. Once you do so, the configuration modal shown in Figure 2 will be displayed.

  3. Name the notification provider as desired and continue to page two (Figure 3).

  4. On page two, provide the channel in which Revenium notifications should be posted as well as the oAuth token from Slack (see creating a Slack application for Revenium alerts)

Once a notification option has been successfully created, you can choose to use this notification channel anywhere in the UI where notification options are provided (i.e. in addition to sending new product license notifications to a specific email address, you could also choose "Slack - Operations Alerts" and each relevant notification would be posted to both the configured Slack channel & email).

Creating a Slack Application for Revenium Applications

Please note that there are many options possible when creating a new application, the steps below focus on the key steps required for connecting Revenium to your Slack. Lastly, be aware that if you have an existing Slack application you wish to use for this purpose, you need only provide the oAuth token for that application. (Figure 4 is used for the steps below)

  1. Follow Slack's instructions for creating an application

  2. Selected "Oauth & Permissions" in the left-hand navigation menu in Slack.

  3. Allow the following "Bot Token Scopes"

    1. chat:write

    2. chat:write.public

  4. Save your application configuration and install it to your workspace.

  5. Copy the 'Bot User OAuth Token" and provide that token in the Revenium notification configuration where indicated.

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