Most Engaged Users & Organizations

The "Most Engaged Users and Organizations" report enables you to identify the top 20 users and organizations with the longest streaks of continuous use of your API products.

The "Most Engaged Users and Organizations" report is designed to help you recognize the most dedicated users and organizations that have continuously and actively used your API products. By providing insights into their usage patterns, you can identify loyal customers and understand the extent of their engagement.

Depending on the typical usage pattern of your products, select whether you want to report on continuous days, weeks, or months of activity. This setting determines the time frame for assessing user engagement.

Understanding the Report

Once you've configured the report filters, you'll find a list of the top 20 users and organizations with the longest streaks of continuous API product use. Here's an overview of what you'll see:

  • Summary: The report focuses on recognizing the most engaged users and organizations based on the selected streak type (e.g., continuous days, weeks, or months of activity).

  • List of Users and Organizations: Top 20 users and organizations with the longest streaks. Users and organizations with separate streaks may appear multiple times if they have multiple streaks.

By using this report, you can make data-driven decisions and show appreciation for your most loyal customers.

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